College Prep: Liberal Arts

The Design*

The College Preparatory Liberal Arts Roadmap is designed for students who are interested in pursuing a career path that requires a college education. Graduates of the liberal arts program at JHS will be accepted into their choice of 2 or 4-year colleges. Graduates will pursue a variety of possible college majors while enrolled full-time.

While at JHS

Students will pursue either the Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation or the Regents Diploma. They will take a variety of liberal arts electives, such as foreign language, visual art, music, forensic science, etc. These electives will meet high school degree requirements and provide a well-rounded experience for students to later pursue a specified area of interest in college.

Students in the liberal arts program will take 4 years of math and science in preparation for college. At least three of their courses will be at the advanced or college level, either through AP (Advanced Placement), UHS (University in the High School) or CHS (College in the High School) programs. The majority of these courses will be in the humanities subjects (English or social studies, for example)


While all students are unique, the following may prove helpful in determining the choice of the College Preparatory Liberal Arts program:

  • You enjoy the school environment.
  • You are interested in attending college full-time.
  • You perform well academically, and you naturally do better in classes you like or on assignments that interest you.
  • You prefer advanced humanities courses more than advanced courses in mathematics and science.

Profile of Students

Andrew is pretty sure that he wants to become a teacher, and knows that college is required. He is not sure that he wants to move away from home just yet, so he plans to begin at a local two-year college and then transfer to finish his Bachelor’s Degree. Andrew excels in the classes he likes, so he is looking forward to having more course options to explore at college. He also knows that he will have to apply himself in other required subjects that he isn’t passionate about. His father is a teacher and has given Andrew helpful advice about different courses of study and different types of teaching degrees to pursue.

Rachel enjoys school. She does well in all of her courses, and is gifted in art. Rachel knows that she wants to pursue a career in the humanities, but isn’t sure exactly what she wants to do yet. She plans to enroll as a full-time student majoring in General Studies so she can take time to decide her future as she moves through college. Rachel, has developed the study skills she needs in order to navigate challenging courses. She doesn’t want to take on a lot of debt, so she is applying to a few four-year SUNY schools
that appeal to her.

* Modifications to this roadmap may be available for students pursuing the Career & Technical New Visions programs or FMCC Early Admittance programming.