The Board of Regents and the New York State Education Department (NYSED) are responsible for setting state learning standards for what all students should know and be able to do as a result of skilled instruction. The District must provide students with instruction on certain specified topics as outlined in law, regulation, and guidance and will develop curriculum based on established state learning standards, laws, regulations, and guidance.
District curriculum will align with state learning standards and include any specific topics required by law, regulation, or guidance. The Board has the authority to prescribe curriculum in the District within the parameters established by state learning standards, law, regulation, and guidance. The Board will work with District staff to develop and improve curriculum in the District.
View Board Policy 8110 Curriculum Development, Resources and Evaluation
Academic Intervention Services (AIS)
Academic Intervention Services (AIS) help students who are struggling to achieve the learning standards. Each school in the Greater Johnstown School District provides highly qualified, certified staff to address student needs.
For frequently asked questions and answers about AIS services, please refer to the NYSUT Guide to Academic Intervention Services.
Attention to Attendance
Learn about the district’s measures to improve absenteeism.
Grade Promotion and Placement
Grade promotion and the placement of students within the District’s instructional system shall be at the discretion of the school administration and shall be subject to review at any time. In making such decisions, the administrator or Building Principal will be guided by performance in class past records, including various measures of student growth; parent and teacher recommendations; and any other appropriate sources of information,. With regard to student placement decisions, parents may submit written requests for teacher attributes that would best serve their child’s learning needs; however, requests for specific teachers will not be honored.
View the Board Policy 7210 Student Evaluation, Promotion and Placement
New York State Report Cards
Each spring, the New York State Department of Education releases various statistics and information about NYS school districts (e.g., enrollment figures; accountability results by accountability measure and performance on accountability measures; annual results on Regents examinations, Regents competency tests and ELA, Math and Science state test results, etc.) from the previous school year, to help to keep the public informed about the performance of public schools and districts.
View the report cards for Greater Johnstown SD.
Pupil Support
Visit the Pupil Support page for information about special education services for students and to contact Special Education staff.
State Assessments
The New York State Education Department mandates that all public school districts give state tests in English language arts, math and science to all students in grades 3-8. High school students in New York State are required to pass five Regents exams in order to graduate – in English, Math, U.S. History & Government, Global History and one science subject area.
Academics Links
Contact Curriculum & Instruction
Nicole Panton
Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Phone: (518) 762-4611
Jeanine LoDestro
Administrative Assistant to the Director of Curriculum & Instruction
(518) 762-4611 Ext. 3120

Nicole Panton serves as the GJSD Director of Curriculum & Instruction