Policy 8310 – Purposes of Instructional Materials

The Board of Education affirms its responsibility to provide District students with the necessary educational materials so that they may have a full opportunity to successfully complete a comprehensive educational program.  Therefore, the Board asserts its basic responsibility to provide the following materials for all District students and teachers:

  1. Instructional materials necessary to assist in the fulfillment of the goals of all district-approved programs;
  2. Resource materials which will enrich and support district-approved educational programs;
  3. Support materials which stimulate growth in factual knowledge, literary appreciation, cultural heritage, aesthetic values, and ethical-moral standards;
  4. A balance of materials which appropriately cover opposing sides of controversial issues for the purpose of critical analysis; and
  5. Materials representative of the many historical, political, social, ethnic, religious, and social groups which contribute to American and world heritage.

The building principal and the faculty in each school shall ensure an adequate supply of educational materials to provide an effective and efficient instructional program.  It is the responsibility of the District Business Office to issue purchase orders as expeditiously as possible so that all educational equipment supplies, and books are available to the students at the opening of the school year.

The selection of all District materials shall be made by the appropriate certified instructional personnel, under the coordination of the relevant building principal, who shall recommend such materials to the Superintendent of Schools for submission to the Board for its approval.

The Board authorizes the Superintendent to establish any and all rules, regulations, and procedures necessary to implement and maintain this policy.

Education Law Section 701

Adopted:  4/25/01