Policy 7450 – Fund Raising by Students

Fund raising projects in which students sell merchandise, provide services, or in other ways solicit money for school activities may be sponsored by school organizations with the express approval of the building principal.  Any such plan shall have a clearly defined purpose and, in general, shall contribute to the educational experience of students and shall not conflict with instructional programs or state mandates.  Fund raising activities away from school property shall be held to a minimum.

Door to door sales projects undertaken by any organization using the Greater Johnstown City School name shall require previous approval of the Board of Education. Profits shall be used to enhance school programs by providing money for expenditures not normally funded by the District.

All participation shall be voluntary, with written parent/legal guardian consent for children in grades K-8.

Also, refer to Policy #3271 Solicitation of Charitable Donations From School Children.

8 New York Code of Rules and Regulations
(NYCRR) Section 19.6
New York State Constitution, Article VIII, Section 1
Education Law Section 414

Adopted:  4/25/01