Policy 7432 – Valedictorian/Salutatorian

The following selection guidelines for Valedictorian/Salutatorian shall become effective at Johnstown High School September 1, 2011.

The graduating student with the highest cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA), calculated to the tenth of a percent, shall be awarded the valedictorian designation.  In the event of a tie in highest cumulative GPA, calculated to the tenth of a percent, co-valedictorians will be named.  The graduating student with the second highest cumulative GPA, calculated to the tenth of a percent, will earn the salutatorian designation.  In the event of a tie in second-highest cumulative GPA, calculated to the tenth of a percent, co-salutatorians will be named.

The selection of the valedictorian and salutatorian will be made no later than May 15 of the graduation year.

In addition to cumulative Grade Point Average, all candidates for valedictorian and salutatorian must meet the criteria listed below:

  1. For a student to be eligible for the above awards, he or she must be considered a Johnstown High School student for the two year period immediately prior to his or her graduation and eligible to receive a Johnstown High School diploma.
  2. The student must be completing high school in a maximum of four years.
  3. Credit for courses taken in summer school, courses taken via online classes and courses taken through accredited colleges shall be included in the student’s cumulative Grade Point Average if the curriculum is consistent with commencement learning standards approved by the New York State Department of Education and is of comparable scope and quality to that which would have been offered at Johnstown High School.
  4. Rankings will take place at the end of the third marking period during the student’s graduating year.

Adopted: 09/01/11