Policy 5692 – Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Related Illnesses

The Board of Education contends that a student shall not be denied the right to attend school or continue his/her education nor shall an employee be denied the right to continue his/her employment who has been diagnosed or identified as having a positive blood test for the antibodies to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).  The Board further contends that under current law and regulations, the disclosure of confidential HIV-related information shall be strictly limited.

Administrative regulations and procedures shall be developed and implemented by the administration based on recommendations from the New York State Education Department and from consultation with appropriate professional and medical staff in the District.

The Superintendent shall also establish protocols for routine sanitary procedures for dealing with the cleaning and handling of body fluids in school, with special emphasis placed on staff awareness.

Confidentiality:  Public Health Law,
Article 27-F

Adopted:  4/25/01