Policy 5680 – Safety and Security

The Board of Education of the Greater Johnstown City School District hereby declares that it is the policy of this School District to provide a safe and secure environment to all those persons, students, staff and visitors, who lawfully enter upon District property or who travel in District vehicles for the purposes of the District.

It shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent to establish and carry out written regulations that will:

  1. Identify those staff members who will be responsible for the effective administration of the regulations;
  2. Provide staff time and other necessary resources for the effective administration of the regulations;
  3. Establish periodic written review of the activities of the staff to insure compliance with applicable laws and regulations;
  4. Provide an on-going mechanism for the effective review of safety and security concerns of the staff, students and affected public;
  5. Provide for semi-annual reports to the Board of Education regarding the significant aspects of safety and security of the District.

Labor Law Section 27-a

Student Safety

All staff who are made aware of physical and/or verbal threats to students must immediately report these threats against students to the next level of supervisory authority for prompt action.  The immediate supervisor must then inform the Superintendent/designee, including any action taken, after learning of such threats to students.

The District shall disseminate this policy to all employees in order to ensure staff awareness.

Hazard Communication Standard

All personnel shall be provided with applicable training to comply with the New York State “Right-to-Know” Law and the Hazard Communication Standard.

The Superintendent/designee shall maintain a current record of the social security numbers of every employee who handles toxic substances.

Rules and regulations will be developed to insure District implementation of this policy which shall include awareness information, employee training and record keeping.

New York State Labor Law Section 27-a
12 New York Code of Rules and Regulations
(NYCRR) Part 820 Article 28
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA)
29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910.1200

Adopted:  4/25/01