Policy 5560 – Use of Federal Funds for Political Expenditures

The Board of Education prohibits the use of any federal funds for partisan political purposes or expenditures of any kind by any person or organization involved in the administration of federally-assisted programs.

This policy refers generally, but is not limited to, lobbying activities, publications, or other materials intended for influencing legislation or other partisan political activities.

In recognition of this stricture, the Board of Education assigns the Purchasing Agent the responsibility of monitoring expenditures of federal funds so that said funds are not used for partisan political purposes by any person or organization involved in the administration of any federally-assisted programs.

Compliance Supplement for Single Audit
of State and Local Governments (revised
September 1990) supplementing OMB
Circular A-128

NOTE:      Refer also to Policy #6430 — Employee Activities.

Adopted:  4/25/01