Policy 5321 – Use of Public Monies for Purchase of Gifts for Employees, Officers and Volunteers

The Greater Johnstown School District recognizes that its success in providing quality education and effective, efficient services is largely dependent upon the efforts made by competent and dedicated employees, officers and volunteers. The district also recognizes that it is subject to public scrutiny regarding its use of public funds and that, in general, school districts are prohibited from giving gifts to individuals from public funds, except for service recognition gifts.

As an official means of showing appreciation to its valued employees, officers and volunteers, the Greater Johnstown School District may permit, when appropriate, use of public funds for the following purposes:

  • To purchase pins, medals, plaques, certificate frames or other similar mementos of nominal value to officially recognize an employee’s retirement or years of service milestones (NYS Comptroller Opinion 99-11).  Any such gifts must be given as part of a meaningful ceremony.  Gifts of tangible personal property in recognition of meritorious length of service to the Greater Johnstown School District shall not exceed $25 in value and may be given to an employee during the year in which he or she achieves 25 years of employment with the district.  Gifts of tangible personal property for retiring employees of the Greater Johnstown School District shall not exceed $50 in value and may be given to employees who have completed at least five years of service in the district and who have not received a similar gift from the district in any of the prior four years.
  • To purchase a plaque of nominal value in recognition of service by unsalaried individuals (NYS Comptroller Opinion 79-882).  For this purpose, “nominal value” shall not exceed the sum of $100.
  • To pay only for the meals of board members at a dinner held to recognize service, provided the cost of the dinner is reasonable (NYS Comptroller Opinion 80-775)
  • To pay only for the meal of a retiring board member at a dinner held to honor the retiring board member (NYS Comptroller Opinion 83-57)

The school district recognizes that it may not permit allocation of public funds for the following purposes:

  • To purchase floral tributes or fruit baskets to be sent on behalf of the district in the event of a marriage, birth of a child, illness, death, etc.
  • To make a donation in memory of a school district employee or an employee’s family member

This policy does not prohibit the establishment of a “sunshine fund” where donations are received to be used for such things as flowers for deceased employees, staff luncheons, gifts for retiring board members, etc.  Nor does this policy prohibit the exchange of gifts from one employee (or group of employees) to another employee for occasions such as baby showers, holiday gift exchanges, birthdays, employees leaving school employment, etc., subject to the following conditions:

  1. No school district administrator or officer may solicit or compel individual contributions to such a gift; and
  2. No school district funds from any source may be contributed to such a gift.

Adopted:  10/20/11