Policy 4210 – Administrative Organization and Operation

The basic principles of Administrative Organization and Operation are:

  1. The working relationships shall involve two types of officers: line and staff.  Line organization involves a direct flow of authority upward and downward from chief school officer to building principal.  A line officer has power and authority over subordinates. Staff officers do not stand in the direct line of authority; they serve as coordinators or consultants.
  2. The Board of Education shall formulate and legislate educational policy.
  3. Administrative regulations shall be developed by the chief school officer, in cooperation with affected or interested staff members or lay persons.
  4. The central office staff shall provide overall leadership and assistance in planning and research.
  5. A reasonable limit shall be placed upon the number of persons with whom an administrator shall be expected to work effectively.
  6. Areas of responsibility for each individual shall be clearly defined.
  7. There shall be full opportunity for complete freedom of communication between all levels in the school staff.

Adopted 4/25/01