Policy 3282 – Use of School Facilities for the Distribution of Written Information

The Greater Johnstown School District encourages and supports learning opportunities for children.  Inasmuch as that is true, the Greater Johnstown School District shall permit the distribution of written information on District property by community based groups or organizations.

All distribution of written information on school property must be in accordance with all applicable laws including, but not limited to, Board of Education policy regarding the distribution of written information.  School facilities, staff, and school children shall not be employed in the schools in any manner for advertising or otherwise promoting on school property any commercial, political, or non-school agency, individual or organization, except as approved by the Superintendent of Schools.  Furthermore, if access is granted it will be subject to the following:

  1. Any community based group or organization who wishes to distribute information on school grounds must apply to the Superintendent at least ten (10) business days in advance of the time of the proposed distribution.
    1. Such application must contain the date of the proposed distribution, the desired time of day for distribution, the proposed method of distribution and a sample of the material to be distributed, in the form and text which will be distributed.
    2. For purposes of this policy “community based groups and organizations” shall mean groups or organizations located within the boundaries of the District, which promote activities of general public interest which, in turn, promote the education or other best interest of the students.
  2. No access to any District facilities will be granted for the distribution of materials while such facilities are in use for school purposes, or during educational programs if, in the exclusive and unreviewable judgment of the District, the requested access could interfere with or disturb the District’s educational and/or extracurricular programs.  Distribution will generally be limited to before or after school hours.
  3. District equipment and materials may not be used to prepare the written information.
  4. School District employees may assist in the distribution of materials, if properly organized.  District staff will not be responsible for bundling, sorting or collating these.  This is the responsibility of the community based group or organization.
  5. The Board of Education reserves the right to deny access to District facilities or terminate access to District facilities for the purposes stated herein:
    1. By an applicant who has previously misused or abused District facilities or property or who has previously violated this policy;
    2. For any use which could have the effect of violating the Establishment Clause of the United State Constitution or other provisions of the United States Constitution or New York Constitution;
    3. For any use which, in the estimation of the Board of Education, could reasonably be expected to, or actually does, give rise to a riot or public disturbance;
    4. For any use prohibited by law;
    5. For any use by a private for-profit entity that has the direct or indirect effect of promoting the products or services of such entity or soliciting business for such entity;
    6. For any use which, in the estimation of the District, does not advance or is not consistent with the goals of this policy.
  6. The District will not be responsible for transporting the written material between or among locations.
  7. No material distributed while on school grounds may contain or use the likeness or symbol of the District, the District’s name or nickname or in any manner indicate that the District supports, sanctions, approves or is associated with the material distributed or the content thereof.  The District reserves the right to require the applicant to affix to any distributed materials, a disclaimer or notice indicating that the District takes no position regarding the distributed material and is not associated with the group or organization.
  8. The Board of Education reserves the right to change this policy and thereby change the nature of access to District facilities for the purpose of distributing written information, at any time in the future by the adoption of a new policy or amendment(s) to this policy.
  9. The Superintendent of Schools is directed to establish the appropriate regulations and procedures to effectively implement this policy.

Adopted:  4/25/01