Dear GJSD Families, It may seem like summer has just started, but before we know it, the 2023-24 school year will be starting and our school buildings will be bustling with activity once again. We are excited to welcome our staff and students back to school on Wednesday, September 6. The District has undergone a…
Information regarding deadline to submit transportation request forms
An orientation will be held for newly enrolled JHS students, ninth grade students and their families on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 7:00PM in the JHS Performing Arts Center
The Greater Johnstown School District’s Board of Education held its annual reorganizational meeting and first business meeting of the 2023-24 school year on Thursday, July 6, 2023, during which it elected its board officers and approved a transportation policy to implement centralized bus stops throughout the District, among other business items. Board members unanimously re-elected…