Role of the Board
The Board of Education consists of seven local citizens elected by the qualified voters of the school district. Members of the Board serve 3-year terms, beginning on July 1 following their election. They are not paid for their service.
State statues define the powers and duties of school boards. Some of the basic responsibilities of the Board of Education include:
- Establishing district policies to be implemented by the Superintendent for operation of the school
- Approving the hiring of personnel recommended by the Superintendent
- Adopting an annual budget for presentation to voters
- Reviewing and approving financial reports of the school system
The Board employs a Superintendent who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the district.
Meeting Dates, Times and Locations
The GJSD Board of Education adopts a meeting schedule annually, which is available on the BoardDocs website. Board of Education meetings are subject to the NYS Open Meetings Law.
Addressing the Board
Please remember that complaints are often best handled by the administrator in charge of the unit closest to the source of the complaint. In most instances, complaints should be made to the building principal if the matter can’t be resolved by a teacher; or to the Director of Student Engagement if the matter can’t be resolved by a coach or advisor. If complaints aren’t resolved satisfactorily at this level, they may be carried to the Superintendent. If complaints aren’t resolved satisfactorily at the Superintendent level, they may be carried to the Board of Education.
- By email: Residents, staff and students may express their views by sending an email in care of the District Clerk for distribution to all Board members.
- In writing: Residents, staff and students may express their views by writing to the Board of Education in care of the District Clerk, Greater Johnstown School District, 1 Sir Bills Circle, Suite 101, Johnstown, NY 12095. Materials submitted will be distributed to all Board members.
- At a board meeting: As a matter of courtesy, and to foster a spirit of cooperation, the Board provides a forum for public comment during its monthly business meetings. Interested parties may speak regarding specific agenda items or on education topics of general interest. Speakers are limited to a maximum of three minutes.
Vision, Mission, and Goals
The District will be a regional model school district of educational excellence for all students.
Adopted by Board Resolution August 17, 2023
The Greater Johnstown School District will provide the essential educational resources that support a fully engaged culture of continuous improvement and diverse, high-quality academic opportunities that equip students with the knowledge, skills and abilities they need to be contributing citizens in a stronger society.
District Goals
Adopted by Board Resolution August 17, 2023 for the period July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025
Student Achievement
Improve measurable student achievement K-12 within a connected, supportive, and pervasive data-informed culture, using highly effective instructional systems designed and evaluated to create optimal learning in a safe and caring environment.
Social-Emotional Learning
Make effective social and emotional learning a priority and actively support the rigorous pursuit of personal wellness within a culture of mutual respect and active appreciation of diversity in a caring and compassionate learning environment for all students and staff.
Highly Prized Personnel
Hire, develop, supervise, and evaluate a community of highly effective and mutually collaborative faculty, administration and staff, prioritizing an overall culture of positive morale that encourages happiness and performance excellence in service to students.
Resource Provision
Develop, procure, maintain and ever-improve resources (facilities, equipment, technology, materials and supplies), coupled with decision-making that is intentional to the importance of relevance and sustainability.
Fiscal Health of the District
Prepare a fiscally sound and responsible budget, inextricably tied to long-range planning, that strives to balance the equitable, ongoing, and changing needs of students with what the District can/must ask its citizens to sustain. The District will make every effort to seek out or create alternative funding sources.
Community Relationships
Prioritize full, equitable, and equal community relationships to address adaptive challenges faced by the District, and build external and internal transparency and communication with diverse stakeholders with full consideration for the knowledge, experience, and expectations and values they hold.
Contact the Board
Board of Education
Greater Johnstown School District
1 Sir Bills Circle
Johnstown, NY 12095
Larraina Carpenter
District Clerk
(518) 762-4611, Ext. 3119
ABCD Awards
Our teachers, administrators and school support staff go Above and Beyond the Call of Duty!