Preliminary Determination Sample Letter



Postal Address

Re: Preliminary Determination for (Student Name)


Your child was determined to be a homeless student pursuant to the McKinney-Vento legislation on (Month/Day/Year). As you selected Greater Johnstown School District as the school where your child would continue to  attend while homeless, he continued to attend the District’s school through the District’s implementation of the McKinney-Vento requirements through the end of the 20__-__ school year while residing temporarily at (Street Address) in (City/Town).

Based on the initial homelessness determination by (Name of Homeless Liaison), this District has continued to educate your child and to be financially responsible for the cost of his education. At this point in time, it appears that your housing is no longer temporary or  transitional. Given your continued residence in the (Name) School District, it would appear that the residence is no longer temporary as defined by State and Federal law.

Therefore, based on the current information available, I am prepared to find that your child no longer meets the eligibility criteria to be considered a homeless student as defined by McKinney-Vento legislation and has a fixed, regular and adequate residence In the (Name) School District.

You have the  opportunity to submit information for my consideration before  I render my  final determination.  Please submit any information you would like me to consider no later than (Month/Day/Year). If you would like to meet with me to discuss this matter, please call me at (518)762-4611 to arrange to meet within the next 10 days. If I do not hear from you by (Month/Day/Year), I will move forward with rendering a final determination,which you will receive in writing.


Superintendent of Schools